You can create customized data views and live data feeds with Enterprise Data Analytics from Cignus Solutions. Our proprietary data analytics tool integrates seamlessly with data from all your enterprise applications, including SAP, Salesforce, EQMS, clinical applications, SP, SAS, RFID, and others.

Cignus data analytics engineers can build and deploy custom processes using your existing data and architecture. The end result is a rich user interface that drives performance:

  • Digitalized value chain
  • Effective decision making
  • On-demand, real-time data
  • Continuous compliance
  • Product failure analytics

Cignus can also easily customize pre-built dashboards to your specifications for research and development (R&D), manufacturing, and Clinical Functions.

We have defined existing connectors for several vendors to our Enterprise Data Analytics platform, which enables clients to save time and cost in implementation. You can choose to use your physical database server or double up your storage capacity by using Cignus servers in the cloud.

App Architecture
Plug-and-play technology (SAP U15) Built-in APIs are compatible with most enterprise applications.
Real-time and on-demand mobile solutions Cignus uses HCPms Cloud or SAP Mobile Platform to deliver a rich user experience.
Customizable dashboards All pre-built dashboards are customizable to your specifications
Quality and compliance Cignus Enterprise Data Analytics monitors risks in real time so you can identify outliers and act on them quickly.
Management review A special dashboard automatically generates information for management review.

Super users can benefit from automated data collection for management review. A management review-style dashboard is also available, enabling views of quality management elements.